PieceWorx Writing Studio v1.0 www.PieceWorx.com

Hotkey Reference


Ctrl+QClose program.
F1 or Ctrl+HDisplay Help.
EscIn main window, default layout.
In dialog window, cancel and close.
Elsewhere, cancel.


Alt+SOpen settings dialog window.
Ctrl+SpaceJump to next tab.
TabJump to next control in window.
Shift+TabJump to previous control in window.


Ctrl+Shift+Alt+SpaceToggle entering and exiting full screen mode.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+LFiddle layout modes.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MFiddle bumper visibility.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+BFiddle visibility of format bar and status bar.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+1Organize layout mode.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+2Edit layout mode.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+3Create layout mode.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RightShow left bumper, then left frame. Or just frame if bumper is visible.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+LeftHide left frame, then left bumper. Or just bumper if frame is hidden.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Expand left frame.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Shrink left frame.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+FSize to fit. Fit left frame size to content.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+UpShow bottom bumper, then bottom frame. Or just frame if bumper is visible.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DownHide bottom frame, then bottom bumper. Or just bumper if frame is hidden.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt++Expand bottom frame. + is the plus key on keyboard.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+-Shrink bottom frame. - is the minus key, or dash, on keyboard next to the plus.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+TToggle visibility of top bumper.

Move to Frame

Ctrl+SpaceJump to next visible frame.


Alt+TOpen the Theme Chooser Dialog window.
Ctrl+Shift+TApply next theme.
Ctrl+Shift+RApply previous theme.

Theme Chooser

Space/Ctrl+SpaceSelect next/previous group
Up/Down/Left/RightNavigate displayed theme previews
Ctrl+MToggle preview mode between Bumper View and Tab View
EnterApply currently selected theme
EscapeClose the Theme Chooser window


Ctrl+NNew notebook.
Ctrl+OOpen notebook.
Ctrl+SSave notebook.
Ctrl+Shift+S or F12Save notebook as.
Ctrl+WClose notebook.

Print Preview

Ctrl+PPrint preview.


Ctrl+Alt+KShow session statistics window.


Alt+KShow page statistics window.
Ctrl+SpaceJump to next tab.


If find tab hidden, show find tab and move to search box.
If find tab visible and search box focused, hide find tab.
If find tab visible and search box not focused, move to search box.
Ctrl+G or F3Find and highlight next search result.
Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3Find and highlight previous search result.

Page/Notebook Outline

Ctrl+EnterNew top-level page.
EnterNew child page.
Ctrl+InsertNew sibling page above.
InsertNew sibling page below.
Ctrl+CCopy page.
Ctrl+MMerge child pages.
SpaceRename page.
DelDelete page.
Ctrl+IImport page.
Ctrl+EExport page.
Shift+UpMove page up.
Shift+DownMove page down.
Shift+RightMove page in (right).
Shift+LeftMove page out (left).
RightExpand. Show at least the immediate children of the current page.
Ctrl+RightExpand All. Show all children beneath the current page.
LeftCollapse. Hide all children of current page.
Ctrl+LeftCollapse All. Hide all children of current page and collapse all children.
Home or PageUpJump to top page.
UpMove up one page.
DownMove down one page.
End or PageDnJump to bottom page.


Ctrl++ or Ctrl+ScrollWheelZoom In. + is the plus key.
Ctrl+- or Ctrl+ScrollWheelZoom Out. - is the minus key (or dash) next to the plus key.

Hide/Show Editor

Alt+HToggle hiding and showing of editor.

Editor Alignment

Alt+RightFiddle editor alignment: left, center right.
Alt+LeftFiddle editor alignment: right, center left.

Editor Width

Alt+WShow editor width dialog window.

Customize Background

Alt+BShow dialog window for customizing the matte background.

Navigate Document

HomeStart of line.
EndEnd of line.
Ctrl+HomeStart of document.
Ctrl+EndEnd of document.
PageUpPage up.
PageDownPage down.
Ctrl+PageUpTop of page.
Ctrl+PageDownBottom of page.
Ctrl+UpUp one paragraph.
Ctrl+DownDown one paragraph.
Ctrl+LeftLeft one word.
Ctrl+RightRight one word.

Insert Image

Alt+ROpen window to choose an image to insert into the editor window.


Ctrl+ASelect all.
Ctrl+BToggle bold.
Ctrl+IToggle italic.
Ctrl+UToggle underline.
Ctrl+Shift+LFiddle bullet and list style.
Ctrl+JFiddle paragraph alignment: left, center, right, justified.
TabIncrease paragraph indent if at least one character is selected. Inserts tab otherwise.
Shift+TabDecrease paragraph indent.
Ctrl+Shift+IToggle single indent of first line of paragraph.
Ctrl+MIncrease right indent (move right margin to the left).
Ctrl+Shift+MDecrease right indent (move right margin to the right).
Ctrl+1Single spacing.
Ctrl+51.5 spacing.
Ctrl+2Double spacing.
Ctrl+0Clear all line spacing, same as single spacing
Ctrl+Shift+1Quick font #1, Title 1.
Ctrl+Shift+2Quick font #2, Title 2.
Ctrl+Shift+3Quick font #3, Title 3.
Ctrl+Shift+4Quick font #4, Normal.
Ctrl+Shift+5Quick font #5, Emphasized.
Ctrl+Shift+6Quick font #6, Small.
Alt+FOpen font selection dialog window.
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase font size by one point.
Ctrl+Shift+<Decrease font size by one point.

Spell Check

Ctrl+Shift+CToggle turning on/off.
Ctrl+Shift+DAdd to custom dictionary.