There is creative reading as well as creative writing. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Posts in one piece at a time

Figuring Out the Fatal Flaw (And Why Your Character Needs One)

Some recent feedback on my current novel project suggested that my main character's fatal flaw was not obvious, making him weak and unsympathetic. I didn't understand so I did some research and found the perfect explanation. Continue...

One Piece at a Time Blog Novel Notes Storycraft

Finding Focus So You Can Stop Self-Sabotage

Do I need to become an internet marketer to be a successful writer? Even publishing companies are favoring those writers who have large online followings. Do I really have to become a successful internet marketer before I can become a successful writer? Continue...

One Piece at a Time Blog Business of Writing How-To

This P-Word is Critical to Your Future Writing Success

If you want to become the writer you are meant to be, then you must keep moving forward one piece at a time. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail can be found in this one word that starts with the letter P. Continue...

One Piece at a Time Blog Motivation

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