You can make anything by writing. -- C.S. Lewis
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Posts in pieceworx

What's in a Name? Would a Rose by Another Name Really Smell as Sweet?

In his famous play, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare posed the question: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet." But would it really? Continue...

Blog PieceWorx Websites Words

Should I Share My Blog Posts on My Facebook Timeline?

Since joining Facebook, I occassionally share my blog posts on my personal Facebook timeline, yet I always feel a little dirty doing it. Is it possible to share a blog post without seeming like a braggart or opportunist? In order to understand the Facebook dynamic, I embarked on a journey of discovery. Continue...

Blog Facebook PieceWorx Social Media

Author Brandon Callahan On Momentum and PieceWorx

We are lucky this week to hear from author Brandan Callahan. He is both a skilled investigator and a talented writer. In addition, he is one of the most genuine and down-to-earth people I know which makes his up coming book all the more chilling. Today, he's talking about momentum and his perspective on PieceWorx Writing Studio. - Steve Continue...

The Writing Lifestyle Blog Guest Writer PieceWorx

The Real Reason I Created PieceWorx

Do you know the purpose of your life? Do you know why you write? Are you charting the course of your life or are you a rudderless ship on the ocean blown this way and that by the wind? Let me share with you how my life's purpose was given to me and how it is the bigger reason behind PieceWorx Writing Studio. Continue...

Blog Motivation PieceWorx

About PieceWorx

Even though writers have more opportunities today than ever before, they also face more challenges than ever. I help you overcome these challenges so you can spend your days writing your future bestseller instead of wanting to throw a hammer through your computer screen... Continue...

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