And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. -- Sylia Plath
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Posts in 7 day writing challenge

The 7 Day Writing Challenge (Lessons Learned)

Last week I did The 7 Day Writing Challenge. Since I was struggling with getting up early to write, I decided to challenge myself by committing to just 7 days and see if it could make a difference for me. There were a few positive surprises, but one major negative which nearly sabotaged my week. Continue...

7 Day Writing Challenge Blog The Writing Life

I'm Tired of Hitting Snooze When What I Really Want To Do Is Write!

I firmly believe that if you want to become the writer you are meant to be that you must cultivate a writing lifestyle. The cornerstone of the writing lifestyle is your writing schedule. Yet, most days, I still hit the snooze and roll over. Why do I do this? Continue...

7 Day Writing Challenge The Writing Lifestyle Blog Habits

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