I hate writing, I love having written. -- Dorothy Parker
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Posts in habits

No Pain, No Pain (Reaching A Goal Doesn't Have to Hurt)

"No pain, no gain" is a popular cliche and cliches get past all of our filters. These little phrases are routinely accepted as truth because we've heard them so many times before. Cliches are insidious this way, like cockroaches and spiders sneaking beneath the walls of your home. Continue...

Blog Habits Motivation

Embrace These Three Truths to Become the Writer You Are Meant to Be

If you want to become the writer you are meant to be, then you must embrace these three truths. These truths are not rules. They aren't things that you can just check off as you move from one to the next. They are precepts which must become a part of you, your life and your writing. Continue...

Blog Habits The Writing Life

I'm Tired of Hitting Snooze When What I Really Want To Do Is Write!

I firmly believe that if you want to become the writer you are meant to be that you must cultivate a writing lifestyle. The cornerstone of the writing lifestyle is your writing schedule. Yet, most days, I still hit the snooze and roll over. Why do I do this? Continue...

7 Day Writing Challenge The Writing Lifestyle Blog Habits

The Secret to Handling Failure (And Success)

As a writer, you've probably dealt with a lot of rejection. What you may not know know is that the better you deal with failure, the more prepared you'll be for success. And the healthy response to both happens to be the same. Continue...

Blog Habits The Writing Life Writers

How to Become an Overnight Success

The world is full of overnight successes, right? And you'd like to be one of them, right? In this article I will tell you the great and guarded secret to becoming an overnight success. I will pull back the cover and reveal the one best kept secret of successful people--like a magician who tells you how the trick is done. The successful elite won't like that I'm sharing this, but they aren't the ones I'm trying to help. Continue...

Blog Habits Motivation Writing Zen

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