In writing, you must kill all your darlings. -- William Faulkner
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Posts in the writing life

Embrace These Three Truths to Become the Writer You Are Meant to Be

If you want to become the writer you are meant to be, then you must embrace these three truths. These truths are not rules. They aren't things that you can just check off as you move from one to the next. They are precepts which must become a part of you, your life and your writing. Continue...

Blog Habits The Writing Life

The 7 Day Writing Challenge (Lessons Learned)

Last week I did The 7 Day Writing Challenge. Since I was struggling with getting up early to write, I decided to challenge myself by committing to just 7 days and see if it could make a difference for me. There were a few positive surprises, but one major negative which nearly sabotaged my week. Continue...

7 Day Writing Challenge Blog The Writing Life

The Secret to Handling Failure (And Success)

As a writer, you've probably dealt with a lot of rejection. What you may not know know is that the better you deal with failure, the more prepared you'll be for success. And the healthy response to both happens to be the same. Continue...

Blog Habits The Writing Life Writers

3 Simple Steps to Make Sure You Never Forget Again (The Nopen Paradox, Part 2)

In Part 1, I explored how you can combat The Nopen Paradox by ensuring you always have a way to record your ideas. Here in Part 2, I present an even better solution. Continue...

Blog How-To Techniques The Writing Life

What to Do When Great Ideas Strike at Bad Times (The Nopen Paradox, Part 1)

The brain giveth and the brain taketh away. We receive amazing ideas at the most inopportune times and then forget them before we have a chance to write them down... Continue...

Blog How-To The Writing Life

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