“I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. -- James A. Michener
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Posts in inspirational

Feeling Behind? Maybe You Need a New Perspective

It may come as a surprise to hear someone like me say this. Afterall, I was captain of a Division I college track team and I have a Ph.D. in particle physics. How is it possible that such a person could have spent his life playing catch up? Continue...

Blog Inspirational Motivation Writing Zen

Not Your Father's Apocalypse

In a world where 140 characters constitutes a deep thought, where the evening news is a montage of sound bites and where talking heads qualify as in-depth commentary, we are losing not only our ability for critical thinking, we're losing our ability to feel and to know who we truly are. Continue...

Blog Inspirational Random Ruminations Rant

Are the Patterns in Your Life Trying to Tell You Something?

What is your oldest writing memory? Mine goes back to second grade. I wrote a one page story about a clown and my mother put it on a high shelf because she wanted to save it. She knew then that I would be a writer... Continue...

Blog Inspirational Writers

What is Creativity?

What does a Navy cook know about creativity that you don't? What can we learn from the doctor of an eight year old girl with ADHD about what it means to be an artist? Continue...

Blog Creativity Human Interest Inspirational

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