The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it. -- Johann Wolfgang von Geothe
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Posts in writers

The Secret to Handling Failure (And Success)

As a writer, you've probably dealt with a lot of rejection. What you may not know know is that the better you deal with failure, the more prepared you'll be for success. And the healthy response to both happens to be the same. Continue...

Blog Habits The Writing Life Writers

Are the Patterns in Your Life Trying to Tell You Something?

What is your oldest writing memory? Mine goes back to second grade. I wrote a one page story about a clown and my mother put it on a high shelf because she wanted to save it. She knew then that I would be a writer... Continue...

Blog Inspirational Writers

The Greatest Writer Who Ever Lived Never Wrote a Word

Some people say Shakespeare was the greatest write who ever lived, but I know better. Meet three writers who were better than Shakespeare and why you have never heard of them. Continue...

Blog Motivation Writers

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