Writing is the only thing that when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else. -- Gloria Steinem
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Posts in writing zen

Feeling Behind? Maybe You Need a New Perspective

It may come as a surprise to hear someone like me say this. Afterall, I was captain of a Division I college track team and I have a Ph.D. in particle physics. How is it possible that such a person could have spent his life playing catch up? Continue...

Blog Inspirational Motivation Writing Zen

My 3 Essential Rules For Making Feedback Fun Again

Getting good feedback is one of the biggest challenges for a writer. First there's the awful vulnerability of opening yourself—your very heart—to judgment. And then, if you can manage to survive that, there is the challenge of getting good feedback that actually helps you grow as a writer.... Continue...

Blog Self Improvement The Writing Life Writing Zen

The #1 Thing You Need to Know About Good Writing

It stands out above all the other qualities and characteristics. If you wish to be a great writer, this one thing is the most important for you to pursue and to perfect. It's more important than grammar and spelling. It's more important than finding your voice. It's even more important than a riveting plot line. In fact, this one quality is the point and purpose of all those other things. Continue...

Blog Writing Writing Zen

How to Become an Overnight Success

The world is full of overnight successes, right? And you'd like to be one of them, right? In this article I will tell you the great and guarded secret to becoming an overnight success. I will pull back the cover and reveal the one best kept secret of successful people--like a magician who tells you how the trick is done. The successful elite won't like that I'm sharing this, but they aren't the ones I'm trying to help. Continue...

Blog Habits Motivation Writing Zen

Do You Create for Yourself or For Others?

Why do you write? Why do you create? Is it to please yourself or to please others? How much are you motived by a self-indulgent desire to express yourself or by a calculated craftiness designed to capture the attention of others. Is one approach better than the other? Find out. Continue...

Blog Creativity Photographs Writing Zen

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