There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -- Maya Angelou
PieceWorx Writing Studio is free writing software for Windows - Download Now!

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What They're Not Telling You About Your First Draft

Most writing advice on first drafts goes something like this: start writing and don't look back, get all your ideas out, don't worry about spelling, punctuation, even plot consistency. Just get the first draft done so you can then go back and revise it. Don't expect your first draft to be any good... Continue...

Blog Composition Motivation The Writing Life

PieceWorx v1.1.0 Now Available

Version 1.1.0 of PieceWorx Writing Studio is now available. Be sure to download and install this version so you can check out all of awesome new themes. Continue...

PieceWorx Writing Studio Blog News PWSV11

This P-Word is Critical to Your Future Writing Success

If you want to become the writer you are meant to be, then you must keep moving forward one piece at a time. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail can be found in this one word that starts with the letter P. Continue...

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Full Screen Mode - Video

Full Screen Mode demonstrates how to switch between regular and full screen modes in PieceWorx Writing Studio by clicking on the button in the top bumper bar or using the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Space hotkey. Continue...

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